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March 29, 2024

Cannabis and End-Of-Life Care with Dr. Rasean Hodge, MD

Cannabis and End-Of-Life Care with Dr. Rasean Hodge, MD

Where does cannabis play a role in end-of-life care? Today Riley speaks with Dr. Rasean Hodge, MD. Dr. Hodge has worked with a large diversity of patients and is an open consumer of cannabis products.

Where does cannabis play a role in end-of-life care? Today Riley speaks with Dr. Rasean Hodge, MD. Dr. Hodge has worked with a large diversity of patients and is an open consumer of cannabis products.

He has suffered from chronic pain and opiate addiction and helps patients learn from professional and lived experience.

We talk about the role of cannabis in end-of-life care, and also answer questions from my good friend who is a nurse in a hospice unit and submitted questions from her and the other colleagues in her institution.

Nothing in this podcast is ever medical advice.

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