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As a cannabis biology and chemistry student attending university this podcast is extremely inspiring. Hearing what Dr. Kirk has done and continues to do gives me hope that cannabis will become more widely accepted and appreciated for its medicinal values. In addition how she is able to describe everything is chefs kiss, personally i am able to grasp the concepts that she explainsโ€ฆ where as in lecture i have to go back watch videos and take extra notes. Plus the other natural products this podcast hits on is eye opening.
6/5 stars for riley!!
Such an interesting podcast with super helpful info, I love the episodes where you really get into the science and biology of how different herbs work in the body! would love to see more in depth episodes about the endocannabinoid system as well as cannabis and autism. Also very interested in the science around other plant medicines and how they interact with the body, as well the best extraction and consumption methods for using them at home. thank you so much for this podcast!!