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Delta 8 THC, what is it and is it safe: New Paper Review

Due to the incoherent and Inconsistent regulations for Cannabis across the US, there has been an increase in the amount of Delta8THC products. Delta 8 products are synthetically produced from CBD, and therefore legal (in some states). Delta 8 THC is psychoactive and people use the product for both recreational and medicinal purposes as a replacement for delta9THC that the cannabis plant makes.

A new paper published in the Journal of Natural Products has just characterized the ‘Unknowns’ of delta8thc, mainly focusing on the byproducts and intermediates of synthesis. For the first time, we know what these products are and what their molecular structure is.

This data will help us determine if other products contain these molecules and develop standards for regulatory purposes and for reserach into the pharmacology of these molecules.