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Pesticides Found in Legal California Cannabis Products

On this week’s episode, Dr. Riley Kirk explores the recent story about illegal pesticides found in legal California cannabis products with Alex Halperin, the founder of WeedWeek and one of the main reporters on this topic. They discuss what pesticides were found, how this investigation started, and where our industry can go from here.

This article is very important for medical users to be aware of and is unfortunately another reason why we need to have the right to homegrow. Most labs when analyzing cannabis products are using a targeted method of analysis, meaning they know what molecules they are looking for and they report on those specific compounds. However, in this case, the illegal pesticides were not known, so they were not tested for. This brings up the issue if the cannabis industry needs to implement some form of untargeted testing to ensure we are not missing anything potentially harmful in the products.

If you want to read the pdf of the article for free, see the full list of pesticides that were found in this study with the known health risks, and find out what brands tested hot all this info is linked is Riley’s Patreon.

Thanks always for listening and special thanks to anyone who has given Bioactive a 5 star review on apple or spotify- mad love my friends and see you in 2 weeks!

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