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May 23, 2024

My first time being a 🥦 judge!

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May 22, 2024

My first experience as a cannabis judge: Riley VS. 14 Strains of Weed (part 1?)

Someone pinch me! I'm SOOOO stoked to be a judge for the 2024 Lake County Fair. Today i'm testing out two varieties of the 14 that were included in the box. After I try each cultivar I am 1.) recording my thoughts about the inital taste/smell, waiting an hour to…

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May 18, 2024

An Introduction into Cannabis Nutrients: How to get your plants to thrive

In this week’s episode Dr. Riley Kirk and special guest Tanya Funk dive in to the basics of providing nutrients to cannabis plants. This can look many ways depending on how you like to cultivate. The two discuss organic practices, indoor vs outdoor gardening and what to look for to…

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May 13, 2024

Cannabis and Oral Health with Stacy Bobak. Consumption methods & medical value for mouth conditions

Todays episode is all about oral health with the talented educator and communicator Stacy Bobak. Stacy is a Registered Dental Hygienist and Certified Cannabis Educator in Ontario, Canada. She is the creator and owner of CannaDent - a Cannabis education platform for Dental Professionals and works as a college professor,…

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April 26, 2024

Is the Cannabis industry standardized or regulated

How do we standardize an industry that is known as the wild west? It's definitely difficult but people like todays guest, Darwin Millard are working hard to ensure standards are in place to ensure quality and consistent products are on the legal market. Standards are created to ensure that when…

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April 22, 2024

US Patent 663507

Trust your body and listen to your community! The gov wants control over you; not autonomy ☺️

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April 15, 2024

MAKE YOUR OWN CANNABIS INFUSED TOPICALS with vaped flower (AVB: Already Vaped Bud)

This is a pretty simple way to make two types of topicals. As I mentioned in the video, I prefer lotions because I use them more and they are hydrating to the skin. However, the shelf-stability and often the permeability through the skin is better with salves, and you can…

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April 12, 2024

The Nova Scotia Cannabis Scene, getting detained at customs, greening out & more... #NAPTIME

The Network of Applied Pharmacognosy is a reserach non-profit formed by Dr. Miyabe Shields and Dr. Riley Kirk. The goal of the nonprofit is to provide a more nuanced and holistic view of cannabis as medicine and emphazie community data and engagement. On this #NAPTIME Riley and Miyabe head to…

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April 4, 2024


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April 2, 2024

The Lost Art of Hashish with Madame Cannoli & Kevin McGovern

Kimberly Hooks, CEO of Frenchy Cannoli Brand joins Riley to talk about the history of hashish and the process of making quality product. Kimberly carries on the legacy of her late husband Frenchy Cannoli, a notorious hash maker by sharing workshops across the world. Kimberly and Cherryblossom Belle (Frenchy's apprentice)…

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March 29, 2024

Cannabis use for end-of-life care (Hospice) with Dr. Rasean Hodge, MD and Dr. Riley Kirk, PhD.

Where does cannabis play a role in end-of-life care? Today Riley speaks with Dr. Rasean Hodge, MD. Dr. Hodge has worked with a large diversity of patients and is an open consumer of cannabis products. He has suffered from chronic pain and opiate addiction and helps patients learn from professional…

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March 24, 2024

Medical vs. Recreational 🌳 Use (my opinion)

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March 21, 2024

Why are all the moose dying in New England? & What are the medicinal benefits of chaga fungus?

If there's two things Jake and I love talking about its moose and chaga! This episode we finally dive deep into both subjects. Jake talks about his graduate research with moose in Vermont; radio-collaring our of helicopters, counting ticks, and what to do about the diminishing population in New England.…

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March 12, 2024

THE SCIENCE OF SMOKEABILITY (SOS): Cannabis researchers take on new project to understand quality

The Science of Smokeability is a collaboration study between Dr. Allison Justice & Ashley Manning from the Cannabis Research Coalition Dr. Miyabe Shields & Dr. Riley Kirk from The Network of Applied Pharmacognosy & Dr. Markus Roggen from Controlled Chemistry The team aims to quantify both the subjective and objective…

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March 11, 2024

Is there a ‘right way’ to say #cannabinoid ??

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March 11, 2024

What is a cannabinoid (& how do you say it?): Intro to Phytocannabinoids and Endocannabinoids

Throughout my journey reseraching the cannabis plant i've changed my mind on a lot of things... This is a big one (for me), and it's how I pronoucne the word cannabinoid. The reason I switched to my current pronunctiation was to show appreciation and respect for the plant that these…

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March 8, 2024

What is THCA? And is it legal?

The THCA market is taking the US by storm, but what is it? and how is it legal? Todays guest is Liz Peterson who is the head of operations at Canvast Supply Co. in Nashville, TN and also has a background in organic chemistry. Liz works in the THCA market…

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March 5, 2024

How to dose mushrooms, near death experiences, and a cannabis infused trip to Nashville, TN!

Dr. Riley Kirk and Dr. Miyabe Shields talk about their recent trip to Nashville, TN to visit Canvast supply company. The two also discuss This episode is funded by our cannabis reserach and education non-profit called the Network of Applied Pharmacognosy (NAP). If you want to learn more about NAP…

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March 3, 2024

I learned SO MUCH touring an aquaponic grow facility last week…

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Feb. 23, 2024

The science of cannabis and metabolism, obesity, and eating disorders with Dr. Kirk and Dr. Fields

Cannabis impacts energy systems in our body, this can be seen from getting the munchies and wanting to increase food intake when consuming cannabis or even the fact that people often get cold when consuming cannabis. Today’s episode with Dr. Jonathan Fields discusses the connection of cannabis and metabolism. He…

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Feb. 16, 2024

Cannabis Advocacy & How to Make Change with Lawyer and Advocate Karen O'Keefe

Karen O'Keefe is a lawyer and an advocate for cannabis. Karen works for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) that aims to change laws across the US associated with Cannabis. Karen has actively been involved in many states journey to legalization. Advocacy work is often donated time, and I want to…

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Feb. 13, 2024

OUTDOOR VS INDOOR CANNABIS from a chemistry perspective: Breaking down the current reserach.

Dr. Riley Kirk is a strong advocate for homegrow and the availability of outdoor grown cannabis. This study published in 2023 dives into the chemical differences in terpene and cannabinoid profiles from outdoor grown cannabis to indoor grown cannabis- examining two different cultivars. These vast differences show why so many…

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Feb. 9, 2024

A pharmacists role in the cannabis industry with Dr. Codi Peterson

Nothing in this podcast is EVER medical advice, consult your physician before adding or changing your routine. This episode is all about the pharmacists role in the cannabis industry with special guest Dr. Codi Peterson. Dr. Peterson is a researcher and educator in the cannabis industry and works as a…

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Feb. 2, 2024

Bioactive Podcast Episode 24: Dr. Miyabe Shields and Dr. Riley Kirk talk weed science, theory & life

NAPTIME with Dr. Miyabe Shields. Thank you to MCR labs for sponsoring this episode and donating to NAP: Nothing in this podcast is ever medical advice, consult a medical professional for advice about your health needs. Sign up for the Effective Cannabis Newsletter: Take our survey: Learn…

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