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Jan. 14, 2022

Cannabinoids and COVID: review of trending study

There is a lot of misinformation circulating about the potential for cannabinoids to prevent infection by the SARA-CoV-2 virus. A recent study titled "Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants" will ne reviewed in this video. We will briefly review some of the methodology used to find…

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Jan. 12, 2022

THC and anxiety: how to find the right dose

This video describes how THC can be used for anxiety in the right dose. THC exhibits a biphasic response in the body. At low doses it can be anxiolytic (relieves anxiety) and THC at high doses can be anxiogenic (cause anxiety). A "low dose" of THC will be different for…

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Dec. 8, 2021

The chemistry of Cannabis edibles

This is not a tutorial on making Cannabis edibles, rather it is a video describing why we do what we do while making edibles. There are two main steps: the first is activating the Cannabis. Activation involves heating the Cannabis flower to remove a specific functional group from the cannabinoids.…

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Dec. 8, 2021

Intro to Cannabichem

If you're interested in learning more about the chemistry and pharmacology of Cannabis and other medicinal plants welcome to your new home. This channel will provide in-depth information on the molecules that nature makes and how these molecules interact with our bodies to provide medicine, and sometimes cause adverse effects.…

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